I have the strangest story, but I also think it’s kind of hilarious and worth a small blog post.

Lately whenever I go over to Robert’s place we have a nice time for awhile, but then he starts to complain about being incredibly itchy. At first I thought it was a little funny — Robert is one of those people who kind of jokes around when he complains about stuff, so his complaints don’t always feel as real right off the bat. Anyway, he started joking that he was allergic to me because he only noticed the itchiness when I was around. After a few times, though, I started feeling a little annoyed. Why was it that he only noticed the itchiness when I was around? What if he really was allergic to me? After all, Robert had shared a story with me recently about a woman who is allergic to her husband. Maybe this was a sign that I’m setting him off and need to find a solution… Fast!

I always say I’m not superstitious, but I actually think I am in some ways. I sometimes feel like I “jinx” myself and I do think things can come up in your life for a reason. The older I am getting, though, the more I am realizing there are just a lot of coincidences in life that seem to be signs, but are just more notable than other mundane things.

Anyway, I started thinking about new products I’ve been using, because obviously he didn’t become allergic to me overnight. I get a few different makeup boxes with samples, so am always using something new. I felt really fed up when I started noticing that I was kind of itchy too. I realized that the chronic pain I have had been masking it, but I was definitely a little itchy too. I still couldn’t think of anything I was using that would make someone itchy, though. Especially someone else…

Until I took a shower and prepped my hair for my mom to blowdry it.* As I was running my fingers through my wet hair to put some product in it, I stopped and looked at the sample size container of the heat protection I had just put on my hands. Could it be?! 

I flipped the product around to read the back of the bottle and I kid you not, I had a real life Slumdog-Millionaire-style flashback when I saw the word “Rose Hips” on the description.

Holy crap, this is it! I knew without a doubt that this once-amazing, now-stupid hair product was the culprit. Rose hips, after all, are used in ITCHING POWDER. I knew this because back when I was a young prankster one of my friends and I used itching powder** on her brother (Yes, some of my teenage pranks are my biggest regrets, haha). 13-year-old me was curious about what caused the itching, though, and to this day I have remembered that “rose hips” were the main ingredient in itching powder.

Why the heck would a company use something that could potentially be so itchy in their product?! My fingers moved swiftly over my phone screen as I Googled two simple words,

“Itching powder”

The top result you could click on was “Rose Hips.” I smiled, smugly. Look at you, Sherlock, I thought to myself. You’ve done it again.

I couldn’t change the fact that I had already put the product in my hair, but I threw it in a drawer and locked it away so I wouldn’t go on autopilot and use it again. Ever since I’ve given up this product neither of us have been itchy. It’s official: I, like the Olsen twins, can solve any crime by dinnertime.

Credit: Dualstar Productions

*My mom often dries my hair for me, as I have chronic pain in my arms and can’t hold a hairdryer up too long without hurting myself. She is such an angel!

**As an adult I realize this is incredibly immature and mean, but as a young teen it seemed like a hilarious, harmless prank. In all honesty I don’t know whether or not it worked, as it was one of the pranks you could buy from “Five Below,” but I still encourage you to think about others before planning out a prank. Yes, pranks are hilarious (With the right people who think it’s funny too), but only if nobody gets hurt — physically or emotionally — and everyone involved will enjoy what’s going on. Robert and I both love pranks, so I don’t usually mind when he plays a joke on me, and he is always up for a funny joke at his expense too.

13 responses to “Midweek Mystery: Allergic To Girlfriend?”

  1. tarnishedsoul Avatar

    Karma really has a way of jacking with us at the worst times…lol

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Idealize Avatar

    Itchy girlfriend, that’s hilarious 😂 Great story, am glad you could figure out and solve that ‘itchy’ mystery. Bravo 👏👍


    1. singleinthesuburbs Avatar

      Hahaha, right?! It was just so random. Thanks for taking the time to read! It means a lot. 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Idealize Avatar

        I enjoyed the post very much 😁

        Liked by 1 person

      2. singleinthesuburbs Avatar

        Aww thank you so much!!!

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Idealize Avatar

        You are very welcome dear 😄

        Liked by 1 person

  3. bexoxo Avatar

    Good for you for solving such a mystery! I would never had known about Rose Hips. Thanks for the lesson. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. singleinthesuburbs Avatar

      Hahaha of course! Thanks for taking the time to read and reach out. Hope you have a great Thursday! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Am I Thirty? Avatar

    This is too funny. I have actually been really itchy lately and I joked with my boyfriend that I was allergic to him. I haven’t been using any new products so I don’t think that’s what it is. A part of me thinks it is just regular allergies. With allergies I usually get an itchy nose/throat. Maybe being itchy all over is a new side effect to my allergies. But thanks to this post, I will be checking products I use for Rose Hips just in case.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. singleinthesuburbs Avatar

      Being itchy is the worst!! I get that way sometimes if it’s dry out too. I hope you figure out what it is (but I’m glad it’s at least not your boyfriend hahaha!) and feel better soon!!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Myka Avatar

    LOL this made me giggle! I am so glad you figured it out 🙂 HAH!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. singleinthesuburbs Avatar

      Haha thanks girl, I am too! It was a really crazy/odd thing to have happen lol!


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